Enabling Children in the Developing World to Realize Their Full Potential
We need your help to support our mission. Please click the following link to submit a donation to the Eyrie Children Foundation through CanadaHelps.org.
In 2019, your generous donations were were able to help 250 children. Our fundraising goal for 2020 is $28,000 CAD. Every $120 CAD will help the equivalent of one child for 1 year. Any amount of support is abundantly appreciated.
Alternatively, you may send a cheque, payable to “Eyrie for the Children Foundation” to the following address: 1908 – 55 Huntingdale Blvd Toronto, Ontario M1W 2N9
Please provide your address to ensure you receive a tax receipt when we issue them in January 2021.
We thank you in advance for your generous donation to help advance our mission to enable less fortunate children in the developing world to realize their full potential.
We need your help to support our mission. Please click the following link to submit a donation to the Eyrie Children Foundation through CanadaHelps.org.
In 2019, your generous donations were were able to help 250 children. Our fundraising goal for 2020 is $28,000 CAD. Every $120 CAD will help the equivalent of one child for 1 year. Any amount of support is abundantly appreciated.
Donate Here at CanadaHelps.org
Alternatively, you may send a cheque, payable to “Eyrie for the Children Foundation” to the following address:
1908 – 55 Huntingdale Blvd
Toronto, Ontario M1W 2N9
Please provide your address to ensure you receive a tax receipt when we issue them in January 2021.
We thank you in advance for your generous donation to help advance our mission to enable less fortunate children in the developing world to realize their full potential.